The hair plays a very important part in our lives! We are always trying to keep up with latest trend without thinking of the harmful things it could be doing to our hair. We continuously neglect our real hair by slapping chemicals, adding hair, and coloring our hair THE WRONG WAY! Going to the salons doesn't guarantee proper hair care either but that's gonna be another blog lol. I went natural almost 5years ago thinking "Well as long as I don't put a relaxer in then I'm good & it will grow" yeah right! Just like the rest of you I didn't take the time to educate myself on proper care for my hair. I colored my hair and it got damaged so i cut it(bad decision) but cutting is always the solution right?!? So now the very top of my head is shorter than the rest of my fro Forcing me to always wear my hair back while rocking my real hair. This year I started educating myself so I can retain length and leave the weave alone. Sew ins are my favorite hairstyle to have because you protect your hair and you have the freedom to use whatever hair you want to use. Although it's a great "protective style" i wasn't taking care of my hair underneath and that's a "No No". During my research/experiments I've learned that is all about moisture in the hair whether it's from water to a combination of oils. I protect my hair with coconut, jojoba, glycerin, or/and almond oil. I also put a little peppermint oil to stimulate my roots for hair growth. I don't shampoo my hair a lot because it strips the oils out of your hair. The solution is to protect your ends with oil first and put the shampoo on the roots or dilute the shampoo with water and oils so it won't be as harsh to your hair. I find co-washing very beneficial as well because it softens my fro. Co washing is washing your hair with a moisturizing conditioner instead of shampoo. I do this quite often. I shampoo my hair once a month. It's ok if you want to shampoo your hair more than that BUT be sure you dilute with a little water and add oil and a little conditioner. I've tried many things on my hair and now i think i got what works for me. For my hair regimen you can go to my "how to " page and I'll have pictures and reviews on the products i have used on the my "products" page. You have to establish your hair goal whether it's length, thickness, or defining your curl pattern and just work towards achieving that goal. Hey but i'm here to help so leave comments, questions, and pics.
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