Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The forgotten trimester

Hello everyone I'm so happy to be back on this blog site there have been so many changes in my life and I can't wait to share them with you for starters I've gotten married I have a new career and I've had another baby and it's a girl and we're very excited but this block today is talking about pregnancy I've been pregnant for three times and yes each pregnancy is different

So let's talk about pregnancy you have three trimesters that you read about the doctors tell you about and you hear about from your friends the first trimester is the Nooch the new trimester your noshes you bloated even constipated but you don't say much because you don't know if you will remain pregnant due to complications or you might miss carry anything so you don't really say anything your first trimester now going onto the second trimester now you know that your pregnancy is here him the risk of miscarrying are reduce significantly so now we start making announcements were telling people I'm we're finally getting somewhat of a baby bump and we're feeling good and that noshes this is the cute trimester because the bump is cute you're not sick you can have fun you can still work out a little bit I like that stuff third trimester the trimester full of anxiety is this it is this time you're having your fake contractions which a cop Braxton Hicks your huge you're tired and now you're just ready to have the baby and you're playing the waiting game the most frustrating part in my opinion so you finally learn how to get ready for labor pushing any complications that could go wrong you have to be really prepared by then you've had your baby shower you get the baby clothes your backpack all that good stuff and you push and you have your baby golden prize

So now your pregnancy is over you had your baby your baby is in your arms psych no it's not over because we never think about the forgotten trimester which is the fourth trimester I call it the snapback trimester it not just wait emotional physically hormonally snapback is not the easiest to get your life back together when you have a new life here depending on you demanding your attention and needing you for things it's hard to focus on yourself I will say yes every pregnancy is different but fourth trimester is pretty much The same struggle for women because is getting back to the life that you had the best way you can't and it can be frustrating

And if you have multiple kids is even harder to get your life back in order because now you have more than one personality to get used to to learn and once you get one settled if you have one child you can go work out you can go clean but when you have more than one child you have to go focus on the other job because the baby has taken a lot of your attention so you want to make sure you have Tapia other kids to and before you know it is 10 o'clock at night you haven't worked out you have really cleaned up you haven't done anything that you needed to do for yourself as an individual. Also if you're breast-feeding that's a whole Nother world to live in in addition to the world you live in with your family breast-feeding is very demanding you have to watch your diet it does help with weight loss and is very healthy for your baby and is very pocket friendly because you don't have to buy formula but it's a lifestyle change after you've had the baby that you have to live by which has some restrictions as if you were still pregnant I found myself still feeling like I was pregnant because of the diet the restricted restricted drinking I'm different foods that I couldn't eat and obsessing over my breastmilk

Saturday, March 17, 2012


(in the middle) 12 14 and 16 inches Virgin Indian Body Wave 
Welcome to the pure luxury extensions!! We have Virgin Malaysian, brazilian, Indian, and Peruvian hair at some very affordable prices. If you are tired of giving your money to the beauty supply store every 2 months because hair has gone bad then WE ARE THE COMPANY FOR YOU. We supply deep wave, water wave, straight, body wave, deep curly and natural wave. We seal the wefts, deep condition the hair, package it, mail or deliver it to you!! We also offer full service installations, u-part wigs, clip ins, color, natural hair treatment (with natural products) and cut! We have the popular lengths in stock but we ask you to allow 3 days to process and if i have to order you a special length shipping with be with 3 to 5 business days after processing. So the sooner you order the sooner you'll get you high quality Pure Luxury Extensions!!!! You can pay through paypal and chase quick pay.  Follow us @PLExtensions and if you have any questions email


Thursday, February 16, 2012


   I am thrilled to be starting a new venture in my life. I'm beginning to take things to another level and I can't wait!!! I have faith and confidence that this will be a complete success with the support of family, friends, and readers!!!

    My hair is here! THAT'S RIGHT IT'S HERE!!! I'm selling virgin Brazilian and virgin Malaysian for a very decent price! I have researched and reviewed many different vendors and have learned a lot! I have a great relationship with my distributor and can trust them which is awesome! Anywho, I have all lengths from 12 to 26inches(long hair don't care). You can color this hair or keep it in its natural state. TREAT IT LIKE YOUR OWN HAIR OR BETTER! When you receive your hair, the wefts will be sealed and conditioned already. Right now I have deep wavy (in its natural state) but I can also get body wave, deep curly, water wave, straight, afro kinky and natural wave! Just let me know in advance. I will be providing hair, installation, styling the hair(layers and/or curls), color, u-part wig, invisible part wigs, and clip ins!! I will have something for everybody!

loose curl
Bantu knots
flat iron
And yes i use this hair myself here I am wearing 18 inch malaysian straight and I've also curled it with Bantu knots and once with the flat iron! The hair is very easy to manage, lasts for a year and as long as you take care of it, it will take care of you. This hair is an investment no more spending money on new hair every two months because of the poor quality Especially after you wash it. Minimum shedding and very easy to blend your hair with(natural or relaxed)!

I am currently working on my website and shall be up very soon! I've already gotten so much support so far and I'm feeling blessed. I will post my prices in another blog but if you want to reach me you can email me at and! I look forward to hearing from you all.
We are all beautiful whether you're natural, relaxed, or wearing a weave. We all have different goals we are trying to achieve length, fullness, the glam look, a good "protective style" or whatever and im here to help the beauty from within come out. So let's get glammed up! XOXOXOXO

Monday, January 23, 2012

Positive thinking!!!

Last year was a wild and rocky year! Honestly I'm still licking my wounds from last year because it was rough!! But I can't dwell on the past and it's time to move forward. Operation bounce back is in full effect! I'm very excited about my new business ventures and I've been planning very carefully so it won't come off bootleg. I've maintained a positive attitude and kept my faith STRONG believing that I will be successful.

So first I'll be Building my clientele. It's unfortunate that hair stylist that don't work in a shop, gets no respect! I consider myself a very passionate stylist (well I'm passionate about everything) and a perfectionist! I research everything about hair even the stuff I already know because there might be a better way to do it. I heard so many stories about how a hairstylist half ass did their hair, chopped off the hair instead of trimming, or the prices being ridiculous for bad service. Yet ladies still go back and I just don't understand.
Anyway changes will be made and I will make a difference. I'm stepping my game up and working on my brand. Hope I have your support!!!! NEW HAIR COMING SOON

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New hair!!

I finally did it!! I bought some virgin remy hair MALAYSIAN THAT IS! I'm really nervous because it's the first time I've ordered hair online. I can wait to do a review on it and if I like it I will continue to order from them. I plan to start providing hair and selling hair as well. That's right I said it "I will be providing hair for my customers"! And not just virgin remy hair! I will have remy hair and the cheap hair. I will accommodate all the price ranges. I just can't wait I'm color the hair and everything yaaaaay! I'll keep y'all posted!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


I want to send a wonderful happy birthday to one of my best friends in the WOOOOORLD MS. ASHLEE CLEVELAND *round of applause*! She is one of the most loyal, kind, humble, determined, dedicated, beautiful (inside and out), creative, and patient women I know! I'm so thankful to have her in my life for over 10 years now. She has been my "right hand" when I was right and wrong! She keeps it real and ALWAYS tells me the truth! If I look good or bad, right or wrong, happy or sad. I just want to say I love you and there will always be a special place for you in my heart! " thank you for being a frieeeeeeend, travel down the road and back again, your heart is true you're a pal and a confidant. And if you the threw a partaay invited every one you kneeeeeew, YOU WOULD SEE THE BIGGEST WOULD BE FROM ME and the card attached would say......THANK YOU FOR BEING A FRIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEND! Happy birthday my "Golden Girl" MUAH

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy Holidays!!!!

Whew!!!! How was your Christmas? The decorating, the dinner planning, traffic, the people, and the searching for toys was CRAZY right?! My Christmas was awesome! We were able to get everything we wanted to get the boys and I was able to get Chris his gifts. Christmas eve We made cookies,a letter for Santa, and cupcakes for my cupcake tree. Chris and I decided to make our first Christmas dinner for our families, but only our parents showed up lol. But we we still had fun even though our boys were sick. Even though Xavier had a cold, he PERFORMED the heck out of his part in the Christmas play (ad libs and all) and had the congregation in tears! Christmas was a great day!! I am truly blessed for my family and friends!!! Now for new years I'll probably be at the house safe and sound. But you all be safe out there and Happy New Year!!