Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy Holidays!!!!

Whew!!!! How was your Christmas? The decorating, the dinner planning, traffic, the people, and the searching for toys was CRAZY right?! My Christmas was awesome! We were able to get everything we wanted to get the boys and I was able to get Chris his gifts. Christmas eve We made cookies,a letter for Santa, and cupcakes for my cupcake tree. Chris and I decided to make our first Christmas dinner for our families, but only our parents showed up lol. But we we still had fun even though our boys were sick. Even though Xavier had a cold, he PERFORMED the heck out of his part in the Christmas play (ad libs and all) and had the congregation in tears! Christmas was a great day!! I am truly blessed for my family and friends!!! Now for new years I'll probably be at the house safe and sound. But you all be safe out there and Happy New Year!!

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